Experiments and Science

Are costly experiments and complex tools necessary to understand Nature?

We can define Science as the body of knowledge that mankind acquired in their quest to understand the Nature and Creation. The process involves making observations and then seeking explanations for the observed phenomena. For example, we see an apple fall to the ground. Then we try to explain why that apple falls? One may propose that it is because the earth attracts objects. Then the next question comes. How/why the earth attracts objects? And it goes deeper and deeper.

We try to find a rational explanation for each observed phenomenon that interests us and intrigues us. The explanations per se can’t be observed especially as one goes deeper. So one must go by logic and by making extrapolations / analogies to similar situations which are observable.

Most observations/ phenomena in Nature will yield to commonsense or every day knowledge, at least to certain depth. But as one goes deeper, it requires more concentrated thinking. When an observation defies explanation, one may think of doing some experiment to study and understand the hidden mechanisms and phenomena underlying that observation. But able minds rarely ever resort to complex experiments or advanced tools to understand and explain Nature’s phenomena. Information gained with their five senses is more than enough for them. The Sages of ancient India understood this universe and creation with just their senses and without any complex tools. It’s only the less intelligent people who would resort to costly experiments, dig mega tunnels, smash atoms, kill animals, use telescopes, microscopes etc to understand Nature.

For every hidden/invisible phenomenon, there exists an identical/analogous observable phenomenon in Nature. What happens at the cosmic level and what happens at the quantum level can be understood from what we see in our everyday world. The structure of this Universe is same everywhere and it simply repeats itself at every level.  In other words, the Universe is like a holographic picture i.e. every bit of it contains the information of the whole. So if we could understand our surroundings, we could comprehend the whole Universe. That’s how the Rishis of ancient times came to know about the whole Universe at once and also the past and the future. Surely one doesn’t have to study/observe things at every level nor does one need to go far and wide in spaceships to understand this Universe.

And experimentation has its own disadvantages (keeping aside the mishaps, cost etc):

Chances of misinterpretation, getting lost in the data: Experiments yield more data. More data leads to more confusion. When people can’t process simple and limited data, it is unlikely that they can process/comprehend large data.

And as one goes farther and deeper from the observable world, devising experiments becomes more and more difficult and costly. Also one will have to rely upon more indirect data which would require more intelligent processing, so more chances of misinterpretation by those who actually undertake them. So one must always be highly skeptical of the claims of people who resort to complex experiments and build things like LHC, LIGO etc. Intelligent people can grasp everything just from few surface clues, so experimentation becomes superfluous for them. It is only those who need more clues i.e the less abled minds who would resort to experimentation. But they are also the ones who are likely to misinterpret.

Merely knowing more details about the Nature and knowing stuff like cell biology, structure of DNA, atoms, quarks etc is no good unless that adds to the wisdom and helps one lead a happy and peaceful life. If the Rishis of ancient India really wanted, they would have written detailed treatises upon genetics and atoms, and they would have also talked about the exact composition of sewage wastes generated in the would-be cities of modern world. But they knew all that would be superfluous for happy living. They knew that information sewage would only drown people’s minds and steal their happiness.

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  • Bill Green  On October 21, 2017 at 5:23 am

    I would like to add that experiments can have erroneous results based upon the premise of the experiment. Take the experiments surrounding time dilation for example. Many precise measurements are taken of an object in motion and the results are analyzed to find that it takes longer for a time-keeping device to mark time. So the experimenters consider this “proof” that time dilates for a moving object.
    What the experimenters don’t realize is that the time-keeping device uses an object in motion (such as a caesium atom) to mark the time interval. When the object is in motion it will take longer to mark a cycle since the object is traveling a further distance, NOT that time has dilated.

    Liked by 2 people

  • pat00donnelly  On October 21, 2017 at 10:56 am

    Quite correct.

    This does not apply to engineering. That is a sensible practical discipline that has been enlarged by mathematics.

    Much of the “science” now pursued is designed to create better weapons. A complete perversion of the application of knowledge. Similar exactly, to those personnel whose task is to maintain life and awareness in those being tortured.

    It seems many in power now agree. They have started to remove scientific knowledge from many in the schooling system in the USA. Given their devotion over 240 years to killing, this is a very sensible step to take.

    As far as basice science is concerned the Unified field theory was arrived at by Clerk Maxwell some time ago. What was revealed has been hidden by the Heaviside equations. Some things are too difficult to bear?

    Liked by 1 person

  • Galacar  On October 21, 2017 at 11:05 am


    I get it, but I have to add that the measurements weren’t very precise at all,
    according to the maker of the atomic clock.


  • Galacar  On October 21, 2017 at 2:37 pm

    This world is run by perception-deception. if this is the case, nothing gained by perception is to be trusted.Hence I don’t trust any mainstream ‘science’.

    As I have written before, the ‘science’ field is run by left-brain-thinkers.
    Now, the left-brain is the most dumbest brain of us. I am not saying it is useless,
    it has it’s place. But it certainly sabotages a lot of work in the ‘science’ field.

    Btw I personally think that real good science is connected with our

    consciousness and spirituality..

    But that time is coming, that time is really coming and I love to see it.



    Liked by 1 person

  • Magellanic Cloud  On June 10, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    I think tools like manual tools and also microscopes/telescopes and other like things … all are extensions to our senses. Our senses are amplified with these tools. Basically senses remain the same but power of senses is increased. So tools are certainly helpful in getting better observations and getting better observed data.


    • drgsrinivas  On June 12, 2019 at 9:45 pm

      If one doesn’t think deep, one would be tempted to believe so.

      Despite all the tools and the sensory amplification, disabled minds can’t understand Nature better than a sane mind. That is, what one requires to understand Nature is a sane mind that is capable of rationally analyzing the basic data that it already has and not extra tools or extra sensory input.

      And the more intelligent a person is, the less tools/ less sensory input he would require to arrive at the truth. Extra sensory input is superfluous for the sane mind. For the disabled minds, the extra information only brings more confusion.

      For example, scientists first don’t understand about EM waves (They don’t even understand about water waves for that matter). Now they invented with difficulty a telescope and observed ‘red shift’. Then they misinterpreted that red shift and made the wrong conclusion of expanding universe, which landed them to the bullshit bang theory…. and the saga of madness goes on. If they had understood about water waves, all this wouldn’t have happened. And to study water waves, it doesn’t require a telescope.

      And scientists carried atomic clocks on flights and they misinterpreted that extra data and ‘proved’ time dilation. And they devised and conducted the cumbersome MM experiment only to get lost in the new data and make blunderous conclusions.

      If one is sane, one would realize that there is no need to carry atomic clocks on flights and also no need to undertake the MM experiment etc in the first place.

      I repeat ancient India Sages could ‘see’ the whole universe without any telescopes or any other technology.

      At best we can say gadgets may help disabled people to a certain extent. More often they either mislead or erode their intelligence further.


      • Magellanic Cloud  On June 17, 2019 at 5:27 pm

        I want to ask one question. Is there any example of ‘blueshift-distance’ relationship in nature? (other than approaching speed scenario)


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