Technology versus Science

Technology has blinded people in modern society so much that they can never believe that our science could be wrong. “If our science was wrong, how could we have so much technology? Computers, phones, internet etc by which the world is interacting today are all because of science. So how can we challenge science?” it is the usual argument that people make whenever someone challenges any scientific notion. But rational minds don’t fall prey to this technology trap. Firstly, development of technology and gadgets can’t be argued as a blanket proof for every scientific theory that our scientists have put forward, rather each theory need to be debated based on the pertaining evidence. One can’t argue that because science gave us computers and internet, we must accept everything that is endorsed by the scientists and comes with the label ‘science’. Secondly, building technology doesn’t always require a deeper understanding of Nature. Many of the technological innovations (eg. radio) actually happened well before our scientists have ‘understood’ the underlying science.

But how could people devise wonderful gadgets without actually knowing the underlying science? Well, a child can build marvelous towers and bridges using building blocks but it doesn’t mean that the child knows the physics and the engineering involved in that. The child simply does that by observing the environment and by doing some trial and error. Similarly a pot maker makes beautiful pots without knowing the physical laws that are at play. A farm worker grows fruits and grains, produces eggs from hens and hens from eggs etc and again all that doesn’t mean the farmer knows the biology or the laws of creation. To do that, the farmer only requires some superficial knowledge of the Nature and it is not necessary for him to know the deeper mechanisms or the processes involved. In fact in most scenarios, people will have a misunderstanding of the hidden processes though they make wonders in practice. For example, ancient people were able to exactly predict the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses though they misunderstood how and why an eclipse occurred!

Same is the case with gadgets. It only requires some superficial knowledge to devise them and some trial and error to refine. For example, working of radios involves generating, broadcasting and receiving electromagnetic waves of specific frequency but scientists invented radio when they knew nothing about electromagnetic waves. How could they invent radio without knowing about electromagnetic radiation? Well they made use of some superficial observations and did some trial and error! And similarly weighing machines are devised making use of the phenomenon of gravity. But scientists still do not know the science of gravity i.e. they still don’t understand how and why earth attracts objects. Scientists just observed that objects fall to the ground and they noted that heavier objects fall with more force. These simple observations are utilized in devising a weighing machine. So invention of weighing machine isn’t a proof that our scientists understand about gravity or that their explanations of gravity are irrefutable.

Basically technology is built making use of the physical phenomena that we observe in Nature. But science is not about just observing the physical phenomena. The main goal of science is to unravel and explain the invisible mechanisms behind those observed phenomena e.g why an object falls to the ground or how earth attracts things etc. So technology and science are not one and the same, and our ability to build technology is not proof that we understand the hidden aspects of Nature correctly. In fact, as I have explained elsewhere, people who truly understand the deeper and hidden aspects of Nature don’t invent any gadgets. They realize that everything they need for happy and healthy living already exists in Nature and so they don’t see any reason to invent new stuff. Only people who don’t understand Nature will feel Nature is deficient and hence will invest their life and invent new things.

Enlightened minds realize that Nature has already endowed them the highest technology and resources to live happily. So why work hard and invent some inferior technology and burden ourselves or spoil our environment? Actually gadgets are the harmful byproducts or false fruits of scientific exploration that only mislead and distract people from the main path of wisdom by ‘bribing’ them with temporary pleasures and making them dependent. For people of modern society, life without gadgets feels miserable. And that is exactly how the alcohol addicts also feel. Without alcohol, they become jittery and agitated. They feel that they can’t live without alcohol. But those who haven’t fallen prey to the momentary happiness offered by alcohol know that life is much more joyous, peaceful and healthy without alcohol. Same is the case with gadgets and technology. We fall prey to the momentary comforts offered by them and in the process become dependent and addicted and we damage our health and also the environment.

At best, gadgets may occasionally help the disabled people for e.g. spectacles for the blind, wheel chairs for the handicapped, air conditioners for the recovery of sick people. Of course for the Enlightened minds, even that role becomes questionable as they can experience the world without the eyes, live happily without traveling etc. Wisdom helps overcome all the limitations that physical disabilities impose. And the enlightened minds wouldn’t be afraid of death, rather they would happily walk though the process of death. So recovery from illness makes little sense to them. To remove a thorn and alleviate the suffering caused by that, one needs to use another thorn. Similarly, to explain and rescue people from the evil effects of technology, I have resorted to the same technology.

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  • Galacar  On October 16, 2017 at 10:12 am

    Good change!

    Now we can broaden our research and conclusions!

    Hence, we can write on a broader range of topics here.

    And you know what they say, eh?! (referring to your new title)

    “In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act”

    -George Orwell

    And now people can see that ‘relativity’ Lies are a part of some bigger Lie(s)



    Liked by 1 person

  • joe  On February 4, 2019 at 7:23 am

    It is true that we can build wonderful things and yet not have an accurate understanding of the theory behind the technology (applicable in all science from physics, chemistry, biology, medicine etc).
    However, it is only through science that we can grasp an understanding of nature. To believe otherwise is folly.
    Furthermore, “To build technology, it doesn’t require a deeper understanding of Nature, rather it only requires some superficial knowledge and doing some trial and error.” this statement is so wrong & there are so many examples to show it that it does not even require a rebuttal other than to simply say that whilst trial & error may lead to some scientific breakthroughs it would time significantly more time than humans have been on earth to develop the technology we have using trial and error only.
    There are many things that we still do not understand or have complete theories on, & yet we manage to develop & create wonderful technologies based on our rudimentary understanding of them. As we continuously explore & learn, through science, we will eventually get to the bottom of these theories. There is NO other way that a deep understanding of nature can be achieved. – Unless of course some advanced aliens drops by and gives you the secret!


    • drgsrinivas  On February 4, 2019 at 3:38 pm

      ..”it is only through science that we can grasp an understanding of nature. To believe otherwise is folly”..

      Well, no body here is arguing against that. The argument is that if burglary gets named and promoted as science, that doesn’t become science, it is still burglary only and it doesn’t help us understand nature.
      And the thing that gets promoted as science today is worse than burglary.

      “it would take significantly more time than humans have been on earth to develop the technology we have using trial and error only”..
      You are again wrong joe.. I never said it is just trial and error, you people do make use of some superficial observations and rudimentary knowledge to creat technology.

      ..”There are many things that we still do not understand or have complete theories on, & yet we manage to develop & create wonderful technologies based on our rudimentary understanding of them”..

      True, you are developing all those ‘wonderful’ things because you only have a rudimentary understanding of Nature. If you have a through understanding of Nature, you would realize that a lot more wonderful things already exits in there, and that you wouldn’t need to develop all your costly, harmful, destructive and much inferior ‘wonderful’ technology.
      “As we continuously explore & learn, through science, we will eventually get to the bottom of these theories. There is NO other way that a deep understanding of nature can be achieved.”..
      Very true. I just would add ‘through true science and not burglary that disguises as science’

      Thank you.


  • Galacar  On February 21, 2019 at 5:26 pm


    “There is NO other way that a deep understanding of nature can be achieved. – ”

    Well, they sure got you by the balls!! lol.

    “Science is the only road to truth? Don’t be absurd
    Overvaluing science leads to illogicality, as a Nobel prize winner has proved”

    Please understand that ‘science’ isn’t what you think it is! it is only a control tool
    for tptsb!

    So much more to say about this. it is a study all by itself.

    “Unless of course some advanced aliens drops by and gives you the secret!”

    Well, I do know how absurd it sounds BUT these ‘aliens’ are allready here!
    They ‘rule’ this world from a world a little ouside our frquency range.
    Yep, this whole damn world is run by non-human beings! I understand if you don’t believe me, but the truth is getting out. Don’t believe me om my word (I know you won’t) and do your own research.

    And, yes, they have very advanced technology and they let it come out publicly, in a very slow pace and in clever ways.o and yes, those beings are really satanic. Hence, the first apple computer was sold for $ 666 ! Getting the picture?

    My two cents again,




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